On something weird about my writing

Kushagra Jajoo
2 min readDec 1, 2020
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

So I am assuming that if we read, we have all done a thing.

The thing where we have tonnes of unread books on our shelf but we get new ones to read without getting to the ones we already have.

We are such betrayers. Betraying the old for the new.

Okay, on a serious note, this act of betrayal has translated into my writing too.

I have this list of topics to which I keep adding more that I have to write on. But I keep shelving them and get something new to write on.

Has this ever happened to anyone? Or do you still do it? Because. I. Need. Help. And. Tips.

I keep pushing the ones I already have behind and keep going for the new ones. And some of the ones I already have to write on are even somewhat completed. Or at least have a line or two written.

Does this condition or phenomenon have a word or name for it? I mean, out of like 8 billion people in the world, don’t tell me I am the only one it is happening to.

I don’t have a problem even if it is only happening to me. I will just take it as one of my quirks or part of the process of writing or something.

I only think that someone much much smarter than me would have said something about this or articulated it in better words or something.

Also, I have used the word ‘something’ in this one a lot. And it’s okay.

Words are meant to be used like rules are meant to be broken.

I feel like I said something wrong/ incorrect there. Yeah, doesn’t matter.

We need to focus on the more important topic at hand here which is this ‘something weird about my writing’ thing that I explained.

Is this human nature?

Out with the old and in with the new kinda thing?

Because I have heard old is gold a hella lot.

I feel like I am mixing two things here. Meh, doesn’t matter.

We need to focus on the ‘something weird about my writing’ thing that I put into words previously.

So tell me what you think. I. Really. Need. It.

Also, sickness bloody sucks. It sucks soooo bad.

PS I had this gif in mind for sickness sucking but can’t find it so will find it and add it later.

PPS In yesterday’s bit, I had written please take it with a grain of thought instead of a grain of salt and I didn’t realize until it was almost published. Funny thing is I don’t find anything wrong with a grain of thought.

PPPS Sickness sucks. It sucks so bad.



Kushagra Jajoo

Kushagra is a 23* year old going through a period of colossal unlearning. He is best at his favourite yogic asana which is Shavasana, also known as corpse pose.